Friday, April 25, 2008

Populism at its Most Dangerous

Today on NRO, Victor Hanson Davis takes on "they."

Populism and the inherent demagoguery that goes with it are examined in light of Obama's campaign this year. Populism, in one form or another, has always been with us throughout history. The idea that people look to a mysterious, generic "they" to heal their unhappiness and their woes, has always been a tool that political speakers have used to move their audience's emotion. Please read this serious article:

Victor Davis Hanson on Barack Obama on National Review Online


Anonymous said...

I think it is clear that "they" are typical white "folks."

Anonymous said...

Hanson and Mencken both seem to have the same idea don't they?
Do you think Obama will have to debate Hillary? Won't he look like a wuss if he refuses?

Watchdog Hattie said...


What is there to debate? Hillary has no choice but to toe the leftist line. Both candidates have no choice but to have the same view on all the issues. That being the case, Democrats don't have any further interest in hearing more of the same.