Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Browsing

Iowahawk continues to prove that he is the best satirist on the web. How can he make such stuff up?

iowahawk: The "Q" is for "Quality"


Anonymous said...

What a hoot: the "new 90-virgin paradise pension package, representing a 25% increase in virgins over our previous plan."

Anonymous said...

Another note
On the sidebar this site had an interesting list of blogs, many of which you refer readers to on Watchdog:

Power Line
Michelle Malkin
Cox & Forkum Editorial Cartoons
Mark Steyn
James Taranto (WSJ Best of the Web)
James Lileks
Tim Blair
Little Green Footballs
Ace of Spades HQ
New Criterion Blog - Roger Kimball
Hot Air Blog - Allahpundit
The Daily Gut

Watchdog Hattie said...

The list you have noted above is pretty much where I take most of my material. The one not mentioned on the list that is by far my favorite is National Review. In my opinion, the best of conservative writing and ideas comes from this web site.