Sunday, March 9, 2008

They've lost their mind!

By violating party rules and scheduling their primaries too early, the Democratic National Committee denied Florida and Michigan their delegates at the national convention. Michigan and Florida did hold Democratic primaries, but the candidates agreed in advance not to campaign in either state. Thus, many democrats chose not to vote in Florida and Michigan because they knew their state's delegates weren't going to count. But now, the voters in the two states are feeling disenfranchised, and are insisting that their votes be counted. Democrats agree that a re-vote is needed to determine convention delegates for Florida and Michigan, but the question is how. With Clinton and Obama running such a tight race that it looks like neither candidate will get the 2,024 delegates needed to clinch the nomination, letting Florida and Michigan count could be the way to put either candidate over the top. With 366 pledged delegates and superdelegates between the two states, both governors have said it would be "intolerable" not to let their residents' votes count. But Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has argued that the states knew the rules before they scheduled their contests.
Today, Dean took a new stand and said a mail-in ballot is "not a bad way to do this."
Can you imagine the mess - no the total chaos - that will result if Florida decides to conduct a mail-in election, something they have never done before. The press (and thousands of lawyers) might as well book their hotel rooms in Palm Beach now - the hanging chads will seem insignificant compared to the impending mail fraud.


Anonymous said...

It could become the biggest fiasco in the history of election history.

Anonymous said...

I'm alreay sitting back and cackling. This is the biggest screwup in election history in my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I must agree, for a state the size of Florida, I think they need to go to school to learn how to count and read the hand writting on the wall!