Monday, March 3, 2008

Cutting to the Quick

Now this may be a little over the top, but it is still a very interesting read.

What do y'all think?

Obama-mania and cult of self-esteem Jerusalem Post


Anonymous said...

I'll add to it, Watchdog Hattie. Obama OK's same sex marriage by referencing Jesus' Sermon On The Mount:

Please check out the article I read at

Anonymous said...

The original post is straight to the point - true and scary. OMG. I cannot believe what I am witnessing. The leading free-world, Presidential hopeful, Obama, stands before God and man and refuses to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. The leading free-world, Presidential hopeful, Obama, cites Jesus and the Sermon on The Mount as proof positive that same-sex marriage is O.K.

Our forefathers's are turning in their graves. What suppose you is Jesus' reaction to Obama's statement? What is wrong with this picture? What is freaking wrong with the so-called Americans who do not know, much less care, about the foundations and blood on which our nation, the United States of America, was built?

I do believe in miracles. I do believe in the power of prayer. Folks, we better get to praying and believing. God help us.

Anonymous said...

As a high school teacher I can say with certainty that the young Obama supporters are idealists who actually believe that this boondoggle of a bureaucracy can be an instrument of "change."
Obama will have his wife walking down Pennsylvania Avenue in a cloth coat like Jimmy Carter's wife - and that will probably be just the beginning of a presidency that will parallel Carter's. I am old to remember that Carter was also the one who was going to "change" the country.